Ways to Give

Text To Give

‭1 (479) 668-0069‬

Please specify the donation amount and provide a description indicating the purpose of your contribution, such as tithes, missions, or any other relevant details. For your initial donation, you will be required to verify your email. Once verified, you can simply text the amount and description for subsequent contributions.

Give Online

Easily give online by clicking the button below. You can give a one time payment or set up recurring contributions.

Give in person

1751 N 56th St
Springdale, AR 72762

We warmly invite you to join us in person at any of our services, where you will have the opportunity to make a contribution in person. We would be delighted to see you and appreciate your support.

Scan or click to give with snowball (formerly @pay)


Scan or click to give with cash app

Let’s Get together

Nervous about attending a service and not knowing anyone? Let’s set up a time for you to meeting our leadership!