Young Adult Ministries

Meeting time: 1st Friday or Saturday of the month

Our approach to young adult ministry focuses on learning and growing with Jesus

Young adult ministries are instrumental in supporting and guiding individuals in their transition from adolescence to adulthood in their Christian faith. These ministries create spaces where young adults can connect with their peers, explore deeper spiritual truths, and navigate the unique challenges they face in this phase of life. By offering relevant teachings, meaningful discussions, and opportunities for fellowship, young adult ministries empower people to develop a mature and authentic relationship with God. These ministries also recognize the importance of addressing the diverse needs and interests of young adults, providing platforms for personal growth, tutoring and service. They encourage young adults to embrace their unique gifts and talents, empowering them to live their faith with purpose and passion. Young adult ministries strive to create a supportive community where people can find belonging, seek guidance, and be equipped to impact the world around them, ensuring that the next generation of Christian leaders is well prepared to face the complexities of adulthood with a solid foundation in their faith.

Our TeamLeaders

Erik and Sayra Molina

Erik and Sayra Molina

Head Leader

Daniel Hernandez

Daniel Hernandez

Assistant Leader

Jassiel Ruiz

Jassiel Ruiz

Assistant Leader