Special Needs Ministries

Meeting Time: Sunday Services
English 8:30am
Spanish 11:00am

Our approach to special needs ministry focuses on learning and growing with Jesus

Special needs ministries play a vital role in the Christian community by providing a loving and inclusive environment for people with disabilities. These ministries are dedicated to meeting the unique spiritual, emotional, and social needs of people with special needs, ensuring they feel valued and embraced within the church family. Through personalized programs and activities, special needs ministries aim to facilitate meaningful connections with God and others, fostering a sense of belonging and community. These ministries prioritize accessibility and employ various strategies to accommodate different skills, ensuring that people with special needs can actively participate and participate in worship, Bible studies, and fellowship opportunities. In addition, special needs ministries emphasize the inherent worth and dignity of each individual, encouraging others to learn and appreciate the unique gifts and perspectives that people with special needs bring. By providing support, encouragement, and a safe space for worship and growth, special needs ministries strive to create an environment where everyone can experience God’s transforming love and participate fully in the life of the church.

Our Team Leaders

Head Leader

Assistant Leader